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Why Images?

VDS is a community, a think- and do-tank, a global web of interconnected cultures and a geographically diffuse collective ideation machine. The galleries included in this section are here both for the public and those within VDS. The aim is multi-fold:


1. Effectively share the various perspectives, lifestyles, symbols, and experiences that have shaped us,

2. Track VDS output on a daily basis and share this traction,

3. Recognize the countless individuals, groups, companies, virtual spaces and places that make VDS what it is.


If you have images you would like to share with the entire VDS community, please send them to our press department. If you are a team member, please log in and submit your entries for the day, week and month.


If you are a VDS observer and would like to see a visual representation of a certain aspect of the consortium, vehicle or collaboration structure, please send us a comment. We greatly appreciate your feedback and insight.


NOTE: Thank you to the kind soul who helped us to resolve our SlideShow Pro challenges. Greatly appreciated and enjoy!